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South Side of Second Street

This website contains the history of the commercial buildings in Langley, Washington. Click on each address below to go to a page with a detailed history and photographs. You can also click on the buildings in the map.

Address Description
#1) 317 Second Street Spyhop (IOOF Hall / Kitchen Shoppe / Restaurants)
#2) 223 Second Street Windermere Realty (PP&L / Flowers / Clothing)
#3) 199 Second Street Star Store Basics
#4) 195 Second Street Piper–Finlay Real Estate, Langley Main Street (Piper Properties / Ross Chapin Architect)
#5) 197 Second Street Braeburn, Giraffe Project (Restaurants / Artist Coop / McGregor Rare Books)
#6) 179 Second Street Callahan's Firehouse (Fire Station)
#7) 121 Second Street Double Bluff Brewing Company (Residence / Party Store / Living Green / Useless Bay Coffee)
#8) 115 Second Street Post Office
#9) 201 Cascade Ave. Saratoga Inn (Gas Station)
#10) Langley Village